
Cosmelan Peel

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Why Choose Our Cosmelan Peel?


What is a Cosmelan Peel?

A Cosmelan Peel is a targeted treatment designed to address melasma, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation, revealing brighter and more even skin.

Cosmelan Depigmentation is suited to skins that suffer from pigmentation, sun damage and more specifically Melasma. The cosmelan procedure will improve the appearance of:

  • Pigmentation and uneven tones

  • Melasma

  • Dull skin

  • Sun damage

  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Yes, the Cosmelan Peel is suitable for most skin types. However, it’s essential to consult with your esthetician to determine if it’s the right treatment for your specific skin concerns.

The treatment is virtually pain free. You will only feel some mild to moderate discomfort post treatment with peeling and dryness in certain areas.

The Cosmelan Depigmentation Procedure is an intensive resurfacing treatment that provides up to 10-12 days of downtime. Your skin will be red, swollen and warm for the first 3 days post treatment and then peeling will start. Peeling and dryness can be expected for up to 7-10 days. Sun exposure is to be avoided throughout the downtime with an SPF to protect your skin and your results. All post care products are included in your treatment price which will help speed up the healing phase.

Peeling may be mild to minimal.

Clients typically experience significant improvement in the appearance of melasma, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation, leading to a more radiant and uniform complexion.

Results being seen after one treatment of Cosmelan is to be expected. This can be in as little as 2 weeks post treatment or may even be 4-8 weeks post treatment depending on skin condition and concerns. Maintenance of pigmentation will always be needed due to external and internal factors.

As successful as our results are with our Cosmelan procedure, Melasma is a form of hormonal pigmentation which unfortunately is out of our control. We would never guarantee that your melasma will be gone forever. We tackle the pigmentation from all angles by ensuring the corrective skincare is always being used and home maintenance treatments are followed.

The Cosmelan treatment is performed as a once off treatment. Maintenance treatments may be recommended in your initial skin consultation.

Side effects with Cosmelan treatments are rare but easily managed. Some skin may feel a little red following the removal of the in-clinic mask. This may be accompanied by some minor dryness and flaking. Any tightness may be easily relieved by applying a hydrating moisturizer.

It is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure following a Cosmelan treatment and to wear a broad spectrum SPF30 every day before, during, and following treatment.

The Cosmelan Peel is a specialized treatment for melasma, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation. A consultation is crucial to:

  • Tailor the Treatment: Customize the peel to your unique skin needs for optimal results.
  • Ensure Safety: Assess your skin’s condition and review your medical history to ensure the treatment is suitable and safe for you.
  • Prepare Your Skin: Receive pre-treatment instructions to enhance the peel’s effectiveness and minimize side effects.
  • Understand Post-Care: Learn about the necessary aftercare to maintain and enhance your results.

Book your consultation today for a personalized treatment plan and the first step towards flawless skin.

The Cosmelan Peel is priced at $999 due to its comprehensive treatment package, which includes:

  • Expert Application: Performed by a skilled esthetician for optimal results.
  • High Efficacy: Effective in treating melasma, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.
    Postcare Kit: Includes a full post-treatment care kit to enhance and maintain results.
    Added Value: Comes with a hydrating facial, LED light treatment, and brightening pads, valued at $500.
    Safety and Support: Ensures a safe treatment with ongoing guidance and support.

This all-inclusive package offers a premium solution for transformative skin results.

In your complete Cosmelan Procedure Package, you are required to use the Cosmelan products (this is a non-negotiable) and to follow the treatment and post care guidelines strictly given by your clinician. You will be given a Cosmelan Kit on the day of your procedure, a touchup (if needed) a post-treatment hydrating facial treatment administered by your esthetician.